Tag Archives: Poetry Readings

Another great night at the Poetry Cafe

Poets at Telltale Press & Friends, July 2016

Sarah Barnsley, John McCullough, Jess Mookherjee & Peter Kenny

Despite the best efforts of Southern Rail to derail our evening in London last week (derail! See what I did there?) it was another lovely/lively night at the Poetry Cafe.

Sadly, Siegfried Baber was poorly which meant he was unable to read, but Peter Kenny stepped in and joined Sarah Barnsley, Jess Mookherjee and John McCullough. All strong readings and a particular pleasure to hear Jess in her first reading as a Telltale poet, with a sneak preview of some of the poems in her pamphlet which we’re working on now and planning to launch in October. Exciting!

Huge thanks also to John McCullough, who’s been a friend of Telltale from the start, having read at our Brighton launch in 2014. John’s latest collection is Spacecraft (Penned in the Margins), a fine book which unsurprisingly sold well on the night.

Thank you to everyone who came, bought poetry, donated to the press and made the evening so much fun.

Here’s footage of Peter reading:

Poet Peter Kenny reads ‘Postcard from Ithaca’ from Telltale Press on Vimeo.

Great night of readings at the Poetry Cafe

On Thursday we had a full house at the Poetry Cafe in London for our first Telltale Press & Friends night of 2016.

Our guest poets were Jack Underwood and Kitty Coles. Jack’s first full collection Happiness was published last year by Faber & Faber – we heard poems from this plus a number of new poems. Kitty is an up and coming poet from Surrey who’s widely published across a range of magazines. Telltale readers were Peter Kenny and Siegfried Baber. It was an excellent variety of voices and a great way to kick off the New Year.

Thank you to everyone who came along, including Hilaire, Louise Ordish, Rebecca White and a host of lovely people, plus everyone who helped spread the word on social media – you are all stars.

Jack Underwood reading at Telltale Press & Friends, Poetry Cafe, London, January 2016

Jack Underwood


Peter Kenny reading at Telltale Press & Friends, Poetry Cafe, London, January 2016

Peter Kenny

Kitty Coles reading at Telltale Press & Friends, Poetry Cafe, London, January 2016

Kitty Coles


Siegfried Baber reading at Telltale Press & Friends, Poetry Cafe, London, January 2016

Siegfried Baber

Happy New Year – join us at the Poetry Cafe

First week into the New Year we’re back on the road at the Poetry Cafe, or as Peter Kenny eloquently puts it:

“After the orgy of booze-fuelled ribaldry that is December, why not turn over a new leaf in 2015 and make your first social outing one for the soul? Poetry from the outstanding Canadian poet Rhona McAdam, the frankly steamy Catherine Smith, shining new talent Siegfried Baber, plus the multi-prize winning Robin Houghton and myself in the centre of London.”

Yee-haa! Please come, bring your friends and let’s get started on 2015 with some shiny new poetry. Rhona McAdam is over from Canada, so take this opportunity to hear a brilliant talent… and Catherine Smith’s ‘The New Cockaigne’ is a fantastic, rollicking satirical tale in verse.

Free entry, all welcome … we hope to see you there, and will have news of our plans for 2015 and beyond.

With best wishes for a fantastic Christmas and New Year…

January at the Poetry Cafe

RhonaMcAdam_AuthorPhoto2_CreditAlexisYobbagyWe’re planning another Telltale & Friends reading at the Poetry Cafe on January 7th 2015, when one of our guest readers will be Rhona McAdam, a fine Canadian poet whose sixth full-length poetry collection, Ex-ville, is published by Oolichan Books this month.

Rhona spent some years in London and still returns regularly, so we’re delighted she can join us in January.

Meanwhile we’re also hoping to introduce the next Telltale Poet – exciting!

(Photo: Alexis Yobbagy)