Tag Archives: John Mccullough

Another great night at the Poetry Cafe

Poets at Telltale Press & Friends, July 2016

Sarah Barnsley, John McCullough, Jess Mookherjee & Peter Kenny

Despite the best efforts of Southern Rail to derail our evening in London last week (derail! See what I did there?) it was another lovely/lively night at the Poetry Cafe.

Sadly, Siegfried Baber was poorly which meant he was unable to read, but Peter Kenny stepped in and joined Sarah Barnsley, Jess Mookherjee and John McCullough. All strong readings and a particular pleasure to hear Jess in her first reading as a Telltale poet, with a sneak preview of some of the poems in her pamphlet which we’re working on now and planning to launch in October. Exciting!

Huge thanks also to John McCullough, who’s been a friend of Telltale from the start, having read at our Brighton launch in 2014. John’s latest collection is Spacecraft (Penned in the Margins), a fine book which unsurprisingly sold well on the night.

Thank you to everyone who came, bought poetry, donated to the press and made the evening so much fun.

Here’s footage of Peter reading:

Poet Peter Kenny reads ‘Postcard from Ithaca’ from Telltale Press on Vimeo.

Telltale & Friends – 7th July The Poetry Cafe, London

Opinions have been sought, debates held, pros and cons weighed up, and one epoch-shaking decision has been taken. Yes folks Telltale’s summer reading has been finalised!  It will be held at our old stomping ground of The Poetry Cafe, in London’s Covent Garden. It’s all the sevens: the evening starts at 7:00pm, on Thursday 7th July.

Hotter than a sizzling hot thing, is John McCullough right now. He’s a long-term Telltale friend, and his spanking new collection Spacecraft is already going down a storm. On the night we’ll also showcase Telltale’s latest recruit Jess Mookherjee, whose collection Telltale will be launching later this year. You’ll also find on the bill are fabulous Telltale stars Sarah Barnsley (The Fire Station) and Siegfried Baber (When Love Came To The Cartoon Kid). 

Picture the scene… You are sauntering through sophisticated Covent Garden, and effortlessly drift into the Poetry Cafe. Soon you are congratulating yourself on choosing to hear some exceptional poetry. All for free.

If you’re in reach of London, we’re looking forward to giving you a sunny Telltale welcome. Consider this your invitation…


Telltale launches in Lewes & Hove

Hove Telltale Launch event

Catherine Smith, Peter Kenny and Robin Houghton at the Hove launch

Last night was the second of our private launches for Peter Kenny’s The Nightwork, and joining us to read were Catherine Smith (who also read last week in Lewes) and John McCullough, who entertained us marvellously despite only recently getting back from Japan.

Peter Kenny reading at the Lewes launch of Telltale Press

Peter Kenny reading at the Lewes launch

Our venues were quite different – last week we were in the meeting room of The Hive, a really nice cosy space with a big pot plant in the corner – we put tealights on the mantlepiece and it had a salon feel. Then last night we were in the big, bright airy space of Cameron Contemporary Art in Hove, a wonderful gallery with floor to ceiling windows all down one side. Everyone remarked how quiet and classy it was, plus lots of lovely artwork to view of course.

I’m rather jinxed when it comes to filming so I can’t say yet whether we managed to capture any of the readings successfully, but I hope so. If and when we have something in the bag we’ll post it here.

So, two fab evenings done, one public launch event to go – next Wednesday at the Poetry Cafe, the day before National Poetry Day, so we hope we manage to get an audience!