After what felt like more rounds of editing than I thought possible (I just don’t have the eagle eye I thought I had!), some last minute panics and a day-of-launch book delivery, Peter Kenny, Sarah Barnsley and myself were thrilled to finally launch TRUTHS on April 25th 2018.
TRUTHS is the anthology we’d been planning since last year. We had invited contributions from poets who had read with us at Telltale & Friends events since 2014, plus a few of our most dedicated supporters. This was an opportunity to explore what ‘truth’ means to each of us in a world where post-truth and surreality seem to have taken root.
Many of the contributors were at the launch and it was wonderful to witness the breadth of interpretation and fine poetry. Having read all the poems many times over in the editing of the book, I was especially interested to find how hearing them read aloud by the poets themselves added a new layer of comprehension and/or emotion for me.
Perhaps also realising that this was our last Telltale Press event made it more poignant. More about that in a follow-up post.
Read Peter Kenny’s blog post about the event here.
I took some photos, although wasn’t able to catch all the poets, apologies to those I missed.

Sarah Barnsley

Marion Tracy

Louise Tondeur

John McCullough

Peter Kenny

Jeremy Page

Clare Best

Judy Brown

Charlotte Gann

Abigail Parry

Catherine Smith