The upstairs room at the Lewes Arms is great for poetry readings – intimate, so need for a mic, but with a small stage. It’s also pretty quiet, unless the windows are open, in which case there’s inevitably a bit of noise from outside. If there are 30 people there it’s packed.
Anyway, the point is we had a super-relaxed Telltale Press & Friends night there on Wednesday, with a full room and attentive audience. Great to see so many poet friends and supporters.
The poets reading were Telltales Sarah Barnsley and Robin Houghton, newcomer Rebecca White and special guest Abegail Morley, with Siegfried Baber doing the introductions.
Thank you to everyone who came, and see you at the next one – date and venue tbc but probably in the summer – make sure you join our mailing list if you’re not already on it, and we’ll keep you posted.

Robin Houghton, Rebecca White, Sarah Barnsley and Abegail Morley after their readings.