Tag Archives: Lewes Arms

A warm night at the Lewes Arms

Lewes Arms

Warm in the sense of friendly I mean – although we did also need to open windows. I’m of course talking about last Friday and our latest Telltale Poets & Friends readings at the Lewes Arms. It’s a delightfully intimate pub, no longer with an actual stage upstairs but still a great venue for poetry readings. Plus it’s sort of become our mothership.

Sorry, no pics this time – except the ‘before’ photo of the room, so that I could see how the tables needed to go back before we moved them all – so you just have to imagine how our readers looked, especially Katrina in her beautiful vintage frock.

Telltale’s Siegfried Baber and Sarah Barnsley gave us storming sets with many new poems, and it was a pleasure to welcome Marion Tracy and Katrina Naomi as our guest poets. It’s just occurred to me that they have something in common, in that they have surnames that could be first names – spooky! I’m glad I didn’t think of that before the intros, or I would have certainly said “Please welcome Tracy Marion!” or something equally daft. Katrina, who had journeyed up from Penzance, mesmerised us with her witty and moving poetry. She had to contend with noisy blokes outside AND the sudden dramatic collapse of our roller banner, but she carried on like a true pro. Marion’s reading was excellent as always – surreal and joyously unpredictable poems.

It felt like all our friends and supporters were there, as well as a good number of people we didn’t know but many of whom came up afterwards to say how much they enjoyed it, and that really made for a super evening. Thank you everyone who came, bought books and donated generously the Telltale funds (there’s a new banner to buy after all!)

Interior Lewes Arms

Our cosy room, before we moved the tables and everyone arrived – !

Telltale Press & Friends, poetry reading, Lewes Arms, Lewes, Friday 28th April at 8.00pm

Poetry reading Lewes Arms 28th April 2017

Spring is here and with it another sparkly Telltale Press & Friends’ reading in Lewes, kicking off the Bank Holiday weekend in style on Friday 28 April 2017 @ 8pm.

Our guest poets come from near and far.  From Penzance we are delighted to present Katrina Naomi, whose spectacular second collection, The Way the Crocodile Taught Me (Seren, 2016) is a must-read; and we are thrilled to be joined by Brighton-based Marion Tracy, whose dazzling debut collection Dreaming of our Better Selves is fresh out from VanguardEditions.   Telltale poets Siegfried Baber (When Love Came To The Cartoon Kid, singled out by The TLS as one to watch) and Sarah Barnsley (The Fire Station) complete the lineup in what promises to be an exquisite evening.

The event is at the Lewes Arms and admission is FREE (donations welcome).  We hope you can join us!

How to find the Lewes Arms.


Poetry reading Lewes Arms 28th April 2017


A good night of readings in Lewes

Poets reading at Telltale Press & Friends, Lewes, April 2016

The upstairs room at the Lewes Arms is great for poetry readings – intimate, so need for a mic, but with a small stage. It’s also pretty quiet, unless the windows are open, in which case there’s inevitably a bit of noise from outside. If there are 30 people there it’s packed.

Anyway, the point is we had a super-relaxed Telltale Press & Friends night there on Wednesday, with a full room and attentive audience. Great to see so many poet friends and supporters.

The poets reading were Telltales Sarah Barnsley and Robin Houghton, newcomer Rebecca White and special guest Abegail Morley, with Siegfried Baber doing the introductions.

Thank you to everyone who came, and see you at the next one – date and venue tbc but probably in the summer – make sure you join our mailing list if you’re not already on it, and we’ll keep you posted.

Poets reading at Telltale Press & Friends, Lewes, April 2016

Robin Houghton, Rebecca White, Sarah Barnsley and Abegail Morley after their readings.


A great night at the Lewes Arms

Telltale Poets and Friends at the Lewes Arms

Peter Kenny, Siegfried Baber, Helen Fletcher & Martin Malone

Telltale Press & Friends took the Lewes Arms by storm last night, battling a train derailment, a ukulele group next door, and the warmest day of the year so far. . . but the room was full, everybody was happy and it was fantastic to see so many friendly faces.

Unfortunately Ryan Whatley wasn’t able to make it, but Siegfried Baber stepped up with about ten minutes’ notice and read from his new pamphlet, When Love Came To The Cartoon Kid. Although the pamphlet launches officially next month, our Lewes audience got a sneak preview and sales were good.

Peter Kenny was marvellous as the opening reader, performing one long poem from memory to great effect, and in the second half we heard readings from Helen Fletcher and Martin Malone. Helen had come all the way from Carlisle, and Martin from Warwickshire. Both were well received and the evening felt like a wonderful mix of styles and subject matter, not to mention a groovy poet get-together.

In the audience was a fearsome array of poetic talent, including many of the Lewes literati, plus Stephen Bone, a brilliant supporter of the press (read Robin’s review of his collection ‘In the Cinema’), and Roy Marshall who was there partly to get Martin home before the witching hour.

We also announced our latest Telltale Poet – but more about her shortly!

Huge thanks to our helpers & invaluable supporters Lorraine and Nick, and to the folks at the Lewes Arms for their hospitality … we’ll be back!